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Oct 19, 2018

In the final episode of this series, Dr. Felix Morales and Mr. Filo Maldonado, admissions deans at the Texas Tech University HSC School of Medicine and the Texas A&M University College of Medicine, respectively, discuss best practices for non-traditional applicants. 

Learn how to tell your story in a meaningful way for review by an admissions committee and focus your efforts to leverage your experiences in the admissions process.


Episode Notes:

  • Connect with a Volunteer Advisor The National Association of Advisors for the Health Professions (NAAHP) provides a free service to applicants who do not have an advisor. Volunteer advisors are available to help applicants.
  • If you are interested in this support service, email Please indicate the undergraduate school that you are attending, or have graduated from and when you graduated. In addition, please indicate which particular health profession you are interested in, and in what State you currently reside. Your questions will be forwarded to a volunteer advisor and that individual will respond to you directly.


Join our online communities to receive early access to the podcasts, ask questions and receive information directly from TMDSAS, professional schools and advisors.

  • The TMDSAS Hub is open to all applicants in the EY2019/2020 cycle. 
  • The TMDSAS Non-Traditional Applicants group is open to all applicants who identify themselves as non-traditional and would like to connect with other applicants.

If you have any questions or comments about the podcast, reach us at

The TMDSAS Podcast is a proud affiliate of the MededMedia network.